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Month: October 2012

Economix: How Our Economy Works

I live in the United States of America. It is an election year. The election is next month. The atmosphere is charged with political conversation and rhetoric. Some of it is based on knowledge. Some of it is based on fancy. Some of it is so obviously false that it is stunning that the speaker/writer believes that anyone will buy in to what is being said/written. On many occasions it is obvious that too many people have no understanding of economics, how an economy works, or even basic history. This book weaves all three together beautifully. Economix: How Our Economy…

Are All Book Reviews Positive?

No, not all my reviews are positive, but it has been a while since I have posted even a lukewarm review. That is intentional. I got tired of making half-hearted recommendations for things I wasn’t thrilled about. Especially over the last two years, I have become more and more picky about what I am willing to recommend. So, as a result, all my reviews are pretty positive. If I don’t mention a book that I have been asked to review, I either haven’t read it, or I’m not willing to recommend it strongly. EDIT, 23 Nov. 2013: Over the last…